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sourceGP Bottles
The current situation in traditional market.
Today due to the international situation more and more businessmen are seeking different ways to survive rather than traditional business years ago.
I have been to Yiwu international trading market last week. However, its not so prosperous as before. Previously people would like to confirm orders face to face. But right now all foreigners arrive at China need to be closed off for 14 days at least. For which people can not easily go outside.
All the difficulties will be worked out. People start to reply on online working more. Actually we can find all suppliers online. Thanks to the success of online purchasing, our market is becoming more global. Riht now we could do business without going to traditional market. Just checking catalogue on website or sending requirement to suppliers by mail, or even sending own design original samples by courier. You would do business easily & fast.
So what are you waiting now? If you can go online, you have perfume bottles to develop, please contact us.
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