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sourceGP Bottles
publisherGP Bottles
In the industry of perfume packaging, there is one style called "roll on" perfume bottle, it's named because of its structuer of neck of bottle.The bottle type used in this type of packaging is generally a cylindrical transparent glass bottle with a smaller size, and the bottle mouth is covered with a "polyethylene roll-on inner cap" and a layer of plastic or metal screw caps. The inner cap of the roller compress is actually a small ball made of polyethylene (or polycarbonate, polypropylene) that is fastened, and most of the ball is pressed into the cap (can be rotated). When using the bottle upside down, the perfume will be moisturized. Wet the inner surface of the small ball, and then touch the small ball to the part where the perfume is to be used and roll it slowly to apply the perfume to the predetermined position. Due to the strong volatility of perfume, glass bottles are often equipped with soft plastic seat rings, so that when the screw cap presses down the sphere, it can ensure that the bottle has a good sealing effect and avoid the volatilization of perfume.This kind of perfume bottle design usually prints a simple pattern logo on the outer cover of the bottle, and rarely prints on the bottle body. In this design form, in addition to glass bottles, polyethylene plastic bottles (generally for decoration and printing) can also be used, and the mouth of the plastic bottle and the bottom of the bottle are directly formed into one body. The other structures are basically the same as those of the glass bottle. It is suitable for the packaging of fragrances with higher viscosity-fragrance dew.
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